Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy

The following services are available:

  • Job Analysis;
    A workplace visit to assess in detail a job being performed; whether the workers usual job or alternative duties.  This is required when a worker is having difficulties performing the job, the duties are aggravating the injury, recovery is slow or set backs are occurring. The Occupational Therapist will identify the aspects of the job that may be causing problems and make recommendations for the return to work.  
  • Worksite Assessment;
    A workplace visit to identify the availability or suitability of duties for return to work. Is           most likely to be required when a worker has restrictions and the employer needs assistance to find suitable modified duties and understand the worker’s restrictions.  
  • Activities Daily Living (ADL);
    A home visit  to identify the workers functional abilities in personal care, household tasks, home maintenance etc. This is required when a worker has an injury that is affecting their independence or when the injury is being aggravated by home activities.

    The assessment will identify the functional issues and difficulties being experienced, need for services or equipment that will assist with recovery or facilitate function and independence.

    ADL Assessment is recommended also prior to surgery to identify post surgery issues, in particular safety issues.
  • Driving Assessment;
  • Pain Management;
  • Clinical Assessment;
  • Training for Employees and Management

Contact Costa Pericles Consultancy by telephoning (08) 8297 0501 or email info@costapericles.com.au