
Costa PericlesCosta Pericles Consultancy was founded in 1998 to deliver quality, independent and effective vocational rehabilitation services within the State, Commonwealth, and Australian Defence force Worker’s Compensation jurisdictions.

We employ staff that have been practising in vocational rehabilitation since 1986, and have experience in the delivery of services within both the Worker's Compensation and Non-Worker's Compensation areas.

Costa Pericles Consultancy also offers Training in Rehabilitation in Workers Compensation systems as well as Occupational Health and Safety Advice.


Company Mission Statement

Costa Pericles Consultancy aims to provide professional, independent, effective and sustainable vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with an injury, disability or medical condition, thus helping to reduce the costs associated with the same on employers and the wider community.

Contact Costa Pericles Consultancy by telephoning (08) 8297 0501 or email info@costapericles.com.au